Plain Living on the Prairie
Hello and welcome! I’m Kim, wife to awesome missionary pastor pilot Scott and Mama to 5 wild kiddos! Our journey to the prairie took nearly 15 years and along the way, we managed to develop a host of skills with the goal of creating a practical home. We are raising our children to live Christ centered lives to let their “lights so shine before men”. Our biggest tool right now is using our Hope Chest Project as a guide. Whether it’s homemaking, ministry or homeschooling, we have experience we want to share! Our learning process was difficult and sometimes lonely with a lot of lessons learned the hard way, but we don’t want it to be that way for you! Join us as we share our heart to build a bigger table, make disciples, and build a plane ministry along the way.
Check out what’s going on in our ministry and the ministries we work with and support. Find encouragement, discipleship, and biblical resources.
Beginner Sewing class
Tackle beginner sewing projects for a handmade home, gifts made with love, or quality products to sell. I’ll guide you step by step through every project.
Cook from Scratch
Discover how to stock your pantry so you can make delicious and nutritious meals for your family. We’ll learn about sourdough the simple way, making comfort food, and more.
Dive into the wonderful world of learning with us. We’re always jumping into a new skill, coming up with exciting new ways to involve our little boys, and practicing the science of neuroplasticity!
Freshly Made on the Blog
Introducing my first ebook
Sew Like a Pro
10 tips and tricks to improve your sewing
This book serves as a beginner’s guide to making your handmade products look like a high quality item. Learn simple techniques to make sewing a breeze and some basic principles that will eliminate common errors in home sewing. Take my advice that I learned the hard way so you can Sew Like a Pro!
Learn to Sew
Step by step tutorials to guide you through basic projects. Get started on your handmade home and gifts!
Cook from Scratch
Rediscover the art of cooking with whole, natural ingredients, creating meals that are both nourishing and delicious.