Fast Toys in Slow Living: Go Kart Track DIY

Anyone who owns a few acres and needs a little fun in their life should have a go kart! Go karts provide so much fun and build memories with friends and family. But once you’ve had a go kart for a few months, you’ll realize you need more adrenaline! That’s when you know it’s time to build yourself a go kart track.

When we moved to this property, we knew that we would set aside several acres for go kart track. We cleared a path around the pasture and removed all the large rocks. For the first couple of months, that was all the excitement our kids needed. We even had plenty of friends over to ride and everyone enjoyed our little track.

But after a while we started to get bored and crave the adrenaline rush of doing something wild. So we cranked up the tractor and started moving dirt! At first, we just made a little speed bump size pin of dirt. After compacting it with the tractor, we took a few turns over with the go kart. It was just that- a speed bump. No air. No excitement. No tinge of fear.

So we added more dirt. With more height to the jump and a little more speed, we started catching air on the karts. Then the kids started to get brave. Maybe a little too brave. After a massive jump, a go kart kart flying through the air, and a whiplash inducing headstand-to-a-stop crash, we decided to redesign.

With plenty more dirt and little bit of tractor work, we had us a mini table top style jump. This seemed to help the landing a ton, as the kart came down level on top of the jump instead of nosediving into the ground. The kids jumped until they were exhausted.

Next up in our track build, maybe we’ll build some berms or add some curves to the course! If you’re ready to get you a go kart, check out In our photos you see the Mid XRX-R and the 200XRS EFI models. These karts are incredibly stout and can take a beating. They’ve got plenty of power, all the safety features, plus a FREE 12 month warranty!

GoKartMasters are Trailmaster experts and take care of their customers like family. You can even call and talk to them. Let them know you heard about the karts here at Plain Living and they’ll give you discount!

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